-reading log assignments due for Friday: Venn diagram (and all other assignments from mid October, many behind)
-math instruction page due for tomorrow (Lesson 5, page 56/57)
-Free choice journal is due on Monday
-we did Borax crystals experiment in Science today, see link if you want to try at home
https://www.20muleteamlaundry.com/uses/arts-crafts/crystals-for-diy-home-crafts/#:~:text=Add%20about%203%2D4%20Tbsp,your%20crystals%20will%20be%20cloudy.&text=Once%20your%20solution%20is%20mixed,the%20way%20to%20the%20top .
-math instruction page due for tomorrow (Lesson 5, page 56/57)
-Free choice journal is due on Monday
-we did Borax crystals experiment in Science today, see link if you want to try at home
https://www.20muleteamlaundry.com/uses/arts-crafts/crystals-for-diy-home-crafts/#:~:text=Add%20about%203%2D4%20Tbsp,your%20crystals%20will%20be%20cloudy.&text=Once%20your%20solution%20is%20mixed,the%20way%20to%20the%20top .