-math due for tomorrow: Subtraction with Regrouping first
*grade 4: page 25 *grade 5: both sides: page16 and 25 -Journals term 2 & 3 due today: 4 entries with self-assessed rubric -May class newsletter emailed today -Fur Trade map due --Monday: last day for donut sale slips and coin drive donations
-Math Renaming page due for Monday: *grade 4: page 37 *grade 5: page 26 -Term 2 & 3 Journals due: (4 assignments) "My Easter Break" due on Monday and mark self on rubric -Hand in writing folder: do checklist for all pre-writing assignments -take home Health package, get signed and bring back -Renaming Strategy Math pages due for tomorrow:
*grade 4: page 26 *grade 5: page 28 -Social Studies: Fur Trade Map (Canoe Routes) due tomorrow -all 5 writing assignments due: checklists, webs/organizers/outlines, rough drafts -Math due tomorrow: Renaming page 28
-Social Studies due for tomorrow: *Grade 4 Louis Riel facts (page 29) due for tomorrow *Grade 5 Explorers "Who Am I?" -Vocabulary map due in Reading Logs ("optical illusion" for grade 4 and "friction" for grade 5 -take home Language Arts "writing" work package, get signed and bring back -grade 5 Math: Making Change page 67 due tomorrow
-Draft #2 "How To.." writing due on Friday, "My Spring/Easter Break" journal due Monday --Donut sale fundraiser notice coming home Science: Matter pages 1a & 4 a due on Friday -take home Perimeter bell work, get signed and bring back
-hot lunch reminder for tomorrow -Mental Math assignments due for tomorrow: gr. 4: page 24 gr.5: page 66 -Matter page 1a and 4a page due for tomorrow -collecting change for the coin drive, thanks!!! "Coin Drive" fundraiser event starting after the break
-Bellwork "Perimeter and Area" package due to hand in today -Social Studies: Who Am I (gr 5) and activities in Metis Booklet (pages 11-28) due -Science lab #2 Oobleck due -Language Arts due for tomorrow:
*Reading: Monitoring & Clarifying work package (finish page 59), reading resource do "Monitoring Fix up Strategies" *Writing: rough draft number 1: "How to..." -Math Estimating Differences due tomorrow: * grade 4-page 74 *grade 5 page 23/74 -Social Studies: grade 4: read & highlight pages 11-27 (do activities) -Grade 5: "Who Am I?" -page 67/68 Subtraction estimation startegies pages due tomorrow
-Social Studies due tomorrow: grade 4: farming and early Metis life pages (11-27) grade 5: Explorer's storyboard to share -bellwork due on Thursday -Science lab report number 2 due Thursday: Oobleck
-writing: "How To Make A Sand Sundae" editing pages due on Thursday -check SeeSaw for photos of trips or specific assignments -Area and Perimeter Bellwork package due Thursday -take home addition math package, get signed and bring back -math retest option on Wednesday -Take home math test, get signed and bring back (re-test option for next Thursday
-Reading Log Monitoring and Clarifying #8 (free choice book) and 2nd draft letter writing is due on Monday -science lab # 1 Experiment with evaporation is due (and all properties of matter group activities) -swim email to parents sent yesterday, just a reminder: Lakewood Pool
-optional: lifejacket, googles, nose plugs, swim shoes, brush/shampoo and 50 cents for locker -please remember towel, swim suit (change of undergarments if wearing under clothing), -Gymblast: my colour for tomorrow is: red, yellow, black or white -2nd rough draft letter writing and Monitoring & Clarifying #8 (own book choice) is due for Monday -Science lab #1 due tomorrow -Math test tomorrow
-Social Studies due for Friday: -grade 4 reading and activities The Metis pages 22-26 -gr: Explorer student storyboard Writing: rough draft letter writing #2 due this friday -Clarifying and Monitoring Reading Log # 7 due tomorrow -Science: Lab #1 R ate of Evaporation due -Social Studies Inquiry due this week:
grade 4: North West Resistance participants/events (page 20 & 21 Metis Booklet) -page 22: traditional clothing of men and women Metis and First Nations link: https://www.saskschoolsinfo.com/ -page 24: pros and cons of the red river cart grade 5: Story board (8 frames) of assigned explorer (ex Henry Hudson, John Franklin, Jacques Cartier, etc) *which country/King did they work for, what years they sailed, what they are famous for, any other important facts in their timeline (can use European Explorers textbook, online encyclopedias or links: https://www.enchantedlearning.com/explorers/page/l/laverendrye.shtml ) -Lab #1: Rate of Evaporation lab report due on Friday -optional: small container with lid for experiment tomorrow -math due for tomorrow"
grade 4: Adding from Left to Right page 65 grade 5: Adding Decimals by Regrouping page 25 -Addition math test on Thursday (practice test with keys was emailed and is on the blog) -bring a small container with a lid (optional) on Wednesday if wanting to take Oobleck home -Friday: party day gymblast colours yellow, red, black and white...my assigned colour is________ --swimming on Friday afternoon at Lakewood -Monitoring & Clarifying Reading Log #7 is due on Monday
-Math test next week, practice test with key emailled -Social Studies: Grade 4: finish "the Metis" page 13 and Metis Farming page 15 for next Wednesday Grade 5: 2 Explorers maps and The purpose of European Explorers (with Sea Monster) -"Adding From the Left to Right" pages due tomorrow 21/66
-Social Studies inquiry due tomorrow: -grade 4 events of the North West Resistance -grade 5: 8 timeline story board on assigned explorer -April Newsletter and practice test has been emailled -Monitoring Reading Log #7 due on Friday (grade 4: Refraction, grade 5: Fulcrum)
-Social Studies Inquiry due on Friday: grade 4: page 63 timeline & dates grade 5: North West Resistance Inquiry -story board on their assigned explorer pages 20 & 21 (Battle of Cut Knife Hill, etc) (timeline & facts) -positive/negative impacts of the European Explorers on First Nations -Writing due Friday: "Foreign Exchange" letter writing/ editing pages Math due tomorrow:
grade 4: page 37 (Right to left with regrouping) grade 5: page 37 and Page 22 Science due on Friday: Matter & Physical Properties (page 7 & 8) -Social Studies mapping due tomorrow: grade 4: Manitoba and Metis Boundaries of 1870 grade 5: World Map Explorer's Map Route -Adding Larger Numbers page 36 due in Math tomorrow
-April class newsletter will e emailed this week -Friday, April 8th, swim field trip to Lakewood Pool 1-2:15 -No school tomorrow: 3 way conferences
-all pre-writing activities due -page 24 due in math on Monday -wear a jersey theme day tomorrow
-all pre-writing is due tomorrow: graphic organizers, outlines and drafts (2 edited rough drafts) -Persuasive Writing: Willowgrove cafeteria -Descriptive Writing: "Who Am I?" Animal Joanne Ryder writing style -Imaginative/Narrative Writing: "Animal Legend" -Math due tomorrow: Adding Decimals Using Mental Math page 24 due tomorrow -take home term 1 collaborative Dance & Health posters -apologies-blog domain expired, up and running again!
-check email for zoom conference links (right times? See you Thursday or Friday) -Mental Math adding decimal numbers page 72 due tomorrow -take home all signed work packages and tests from term 1 (keep)
-hot lunch reminder tomorrow -edited 2nd draft of legend due on Wednesday -3 way conferences are Thursday evening and Friday morning (no school for students on Friday) |
Authorplease feel free to contact me at my email address: [email protected] ![]()