Learning Outcomes and Assigned Tasks for the week of April 27th-May 1st
Language Arts:
Reading on Epic 15-30 minutes each day (or book of your own choice)
Writing: 45 minutes each day
-ongoing, working on the stages of "I Search" animal project
-preparing final draft writing with the support of pictures and preparing to share in May
-self-assess on rubric (please scan products and send)
Math: 45 minutes each day
-Lesson 8: Traditional Multiplication Methods extra practice and activities (due Wednesday)
-Lesson 9: Choosing A Method For Multiplying (due Thursday or Friday)
-Lesson 10: Creating Your Own Multiplication Problems (Due Monday May 4)
Optional units: activities will be posted
-here is a Phys Ed link from Ms. Ferguson for PE activities: https://sites.google.com/spsd.sk.ca/willowgrove-pe/home
Social Studies: Saskatchewan First Nations & Metis Heritage and History
Science: Light activities
Language Arts:
Reading on Epic 15-30 minutes each day (or book of your own choice)
Writing: 45 minutes each day
-ongoing, working on the stages of "I Search" animal project
-preparing final draft writing with the support of pictures and preparing to share in May
-self-assess on rubric (please scan products and send)
Math: 45 minutes each day
-Lesson 8: Traditional Multiplication Methods extra practice and activities (due Wednesday)
-Lesson 9: Choosing A Method For Multiplying (due Thursday or Friday)
-Lesson 10: Creating Your Own Multiplication Problems (Due Monday May 4)
Optional units: activities will be posted
-here is a Phys Ed link from Ms. Ferguson for PE activities: https://sites.google.com/spsd.sk.ca/willowgrove-pe/home
Social Studies: Saskatchewan First Nations & Metis Heritage and History
Science: Light activities